Canon PIXMA MG2470 Driver Download
Canon PIXMA MG2470 Driver Download
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Scanner Driver Download
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In addition, the container scanner support is also designed to simplify the process of scanning a thick document. To use the ink option, users can choose the XL cartridge size helps to minimize the ink replacement cycle. Another feature that is set by Canon is an Auto Power On feature. When this function is enabled, the printer will turn on automatically when there is a print command station.
Another feature is the Auto mode that has the ability to minimize the noise generated by the printer. PIXMA MG2570 and MG2470 have taken advantage of FINE technology capable of creating microscopic ink droplets of 2 pl to print details. The result is that the printer can produce a high-resolution image of the mold with an impressive image quality.
In addition, print quality is enhanced with Canon PIXMA ink Hybrid System technology that can implement a different type of ink to print what you want. Dye ink colors to create a more vivid image with bright colors.
MG2570 and MG2470 to print black and white documents is 8 ipm and 4 ipm for color documents. Meanwhile, Mengoopi Color Speed Document 2.5 HDI.